GlyphosateFor the next few years our food supply will be secure: this is why farmers use glyphosate to cultivate crops sustainably.

GlyphosateFor the next few years our food supply will be secure: this is why farmers use glyphosate to cultivate crops sustainably.

It's obvious that the world's population is growing. By 2050, the world's population is expected to reach 9.7 billion people worldwide--over 2 billion more than today.1 However, the land that can be used for farming is not growing along with our population. This presents serious challenges to farmers who are responsible for producing sufficient high-quality food for Canadians as well as other people all over the world.

Canada is currently the 5th largest food exporter globally.2 As the world population increases, Canadian farmers in particular will play an important role in providing the world with the food that it requires. They'll have to meet the growing demand to deal with pests and diseases in addition to weather fluctuations and ensure their farms are fit for the future.

To meet the growing demand, the farmers will have to produce 70 percent more food by 2050. *Source: The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, How to Feed the world in 2050

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations  How to feed the world by 2050

Farmers aren't able to satisfy this demand on their own. Modern technology and tools, such as herbicides like glyphosate, can be utilized to assist farmers to effectively and efficiently manage weeds that results in an increased security and sustainability of food supply.

What is the exact meaning of Glyphosate?

Glyphosate has been utilized for more 40 years by land managers, farmers, and gardeners worldwide. It acts by blocking the enzyme that plants--in this case, undesirable weeds, require in order to grow. The enzymes do not exist in humans or other animals.4 So, glyphosate poses zero risk for any plant when applied properly.

There are other uses for glyphosate too. It is utilized in municipal areas to guard wildlife and the public from harmful weeds.6 In addition, it is employed to stop fires and maintain visibility on railway tracks.

Recently, the spotlight has been on glyphosate, its use in the modern world and how it's employed. It's crucial to consider what goes onto and into our food, it's worth noting that more than 160 of the world's health regulatory bodies, which includes Health Canada, agree that glyphosate is safe for human consumption when employed correctly.8

Canadians need to be better educated about glyphosate, and how it is utilized. This will ease their concerns.

Glyphosate: What is the reason it's used in agriculture? Glyphosate-based herbicides provide many benefits for farmers, customers and the environment. It is key to effective controlling weeds, as well as ensuring a reliable food supply and sustainable environmental sustainability.  グリホサート 樹木 Let's take a look at each.

グリホサート According to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (9 U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization), farmers worldwide lose between 30-40% and 60 percent of their crops every year to pests and weeds. This is especially devastating for farmers because their livelihoods depend on these crops.

Farmers have come to depend upon tools that they can depend on every year. Applying glyphosate to fields -particularly with glyphosate-tolerant crops -- is an effective method to stop destructive weeds from taking over crops.9 To date the time of writing, no other weed control method can match the level effectiveness, both economically and economically.

Crops and Weeds, the fight for their lives

The crops of a farmer will be competing with up to 30,000 species of weeds to get space, water, nutrients and light.9 Glyphosate provides crops with a fighting chance.

Canada and the world have many advantages Affordable, abundant food

The population is increasing, and half of today's food-growing land is at risk of becoming inaccessible within a matter of 40 years because of desertification and land degradation.10 This has led to an increase in food shortages. Canadians will spend 55% less on food if there are no technological advances in agriculture, such as the use or glyphosate.11

The food we love will be more difficult to locate. Science-based agriculture will enable farmers to keep growing our favorite foods of the day for many years to come.

Glyphosate is a great way to reduce the spread of weeds. It also can help reduce the cost of food at the supermarket. It aids farmers in caring for what Cherilyn Jolly Nagle is one of the Saskatchewan farmer, calls "their most valuable asset" which is their land.

We are awestruck by eating at the table.

Farmers can grow better by using crop protection tools (including glyphosate) are used to safeguard crops from diseases or pests.

42% More grains, such as wheat or corn

72 percent more fruit

83 percent more potatoes and more vegetables12

These are the clear benefits. But is Glyphosate really safe?

To put it simply, yes--and like all pesticides, they should be used according to guidelines on the label. Canada has two regulation bodies for glyphosate: the Canadian Food Inspection Agency, which inspects crops to determine the presence of residue of pesticides. And the Pest Management Regulating Agency (PMRA), who offers the guidelines for regulatory compliance for product evaluations, approvals, and other guidelines (or refusals) and also has one of the most comprehensive evaluation procedures throughout the world.

グリホサート In addition, to making sure that herbicides approved by the FDA are used correctly by farmers, regulatory agencies will also ensure that an appropriate and safe use of glyphosate continues by farmers, manufacturers and animals to ensure that there is no risk created to the natural environment or animals.

Precision technology and agriculture has enabled farmers to have more control over the use of glyphosate. They are also able to pinpoint precisely where and when it is applied.

Glyphosate residues are not often detected in food items. It may cause damage when it is detected within certain levels. It is extremely rare for glyphosate to be detected in food items. Sustainable farming practices include the use of Glyphosate

Farmers use herbicides like glyphosate as part of an integrated pest/weed control system. That is, they do more than herbicides to control plants. Glyphosate allows farmers to use conservation tillage and no-till methods that will benefit the long term health of soil, air and the environment.

- The reduction or elimination of plowing/tilling of land

• Reduced CO2 emissions

- Capturing carbon from the soil

- Improve the health of your soil

- Reducing flow of water and limiting erosion13

"No pesticide regulatory body around the globe considers that glyphosate poses an increased risk of cancer for humans at the current concentrations." - Health Canada (January 11, 2019).

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations , How to provide for the world's population by 2050

It's now more vital than ever that Canadian farmers have access to the latest technology tools, equipment, and support equipment they require to meet the food supply requirements of an increasing population.

If they follow proper agricultural, pest management and food safety procedures Farmers will ensure that our food is safe and plentiful. Glyphosate is one of many tools that they will employ to ensure Canadians and others across the world can access nutritious, affordable food in the present as well as in the near future.